39 Photos from an epic Norway Road Trip!

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An epic 4,500km road trip through Norway saw us fall in love with its spectacular scenery and incredible natural beauty. From waking up to stunning Fjordland views to the 24 hour sunlight in the Arctic Circle, Norway quickly stole our hearts. One million pictures have been narrowed down to 39 of our best Norway photos. Enjoy!

If you are planning a trip to Norway, check out the Norway itinerary which allowed us to capture the photos!

Norway (79)Pin

1 | Lysefjord

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

2 | Pulpit Rock

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

Renting a Car in Norway

Renting a car in Norway is the best way to explore the country. Driving conditions are really good with extremely good quality roads throughout the entire country. Having your own car gives you the flexibility to travel at your own pace through the Fjord lands and see places that are simply not possible on group tours or public transport.

We’re huge fans of road trips and have driven rental cars in over 40 countries so we have a lot of experience renting cars in foreign countries. Book your car now with RentalCars.com, where you will find the best rental car prices

Click here for the best rental car prices

3 | Fjord Views

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin
Don’t look down!

4 | Steinsdalsfossen

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

Our Photography Gear

My main camera is a Nikon D7200 with the Sigma 17-50mm f2.8 and the Sigma 70-200 f2.8 lenses. Elaine uses the compact Fuji XT-10 for all her shots.

 Check out our gear page to see whats in our bag.

We also use Adobe Lightroom for editing all our photos and highly recommend it The combination of Lightroom and Photoshop for a small monthly fee is a fantastic deal – Check prices now!

Click here for the best Adobe Lightroom prices

5 | Snow roads

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

6 | Lake Loen

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin
Lake Loen, one of the most beautiful lakes in the world

7 | Kjeragbolten

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

Check out our adventures on Kjerag here

8 | Don’t look down!

The view from standing on Kjerag

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

9 | Geirangerfjord: UNESCO No 1

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

10 | Nigardsbreen Glacier

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

11 | The Atlantic Road

It’s easy to see why this road was named one of the best in the world!

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

12 | The Atlantic Road: take 2

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

13 | Reflections

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

14 | Trollstigen, the “Trolls ladder”

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

15 | The Arctic Circle

Trust us, it was worth the 15 hour drive north! Check out our experience here

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

How We Edit our Photos

We also use Adobe Lightroom for editing all our photos and highly recommend it The combination of Lightroom and Photoshop for a small monthly fee is a fantastic deal – Check prices now!

Click here for the best Adobe Lightroom prices

16 | Hike Views

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

17 | Ferry Views

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

18 | Låtefossen

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

19 | The Midnight Sun

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

20 | Gudbrandsjuvet

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

21 | Bryggen, Bergen: UNESCO No 2

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

22 | The Nærøyfjord

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

23 | Cabin Views

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

24 | Turquoise Lakes

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

25 | Laerdal Tunnel

The longest road tunnel in the world is also one of the most beautiful on the inside!

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

26 | Borgund Stave Church

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

27 | Bridge Views

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

28 | Deserted Houses

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin


29 | Urnes Stave Church: UNESCO No 3

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

30 | Snow Vibes

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

31 | Vega Island: UNESCO No 4

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

Check out our visit – why you have to visit the Vega Islands if you’re in Norway

32 | The Vega Archipelago

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

33 | Trolls!

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

34 | More trolls!

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

35 | Røros Mining Town, UNESCO NO 5

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

36 | Ice Lakes

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

37 | Vigeland Park, Oslo

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

Check out our trip to Vigeland Sculpture Park in Oslo – the craziest park in the world

38 | Northern Norway

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

39 | Sunsets

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

There you have it: one country, 10 days, 4,500km, 5 UNESCO World Heritage Sites and more incredible memories than we could ever count summarised in 39 of our best Norway photos captured during our amazing road trip through the country. Say cheese!

If we missed anywhere awesome let us know in the comments! 

Photography Gear

My main camera is a Nikon D7200 with the Sigma 17-50mm f2.8 and the Sigma 70-200 f2.8, with a Manfrotto BeFree Tripod.

We use and highly recommend Adobe Lightroom  for editing and cataloging photos. it makes photo editing a breeze. For less than €13/$15 a month you get access to Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop, which is a fantastic deal. If you’re looking to improve your photography and take it to the next level we highly recommend this package

Check out our photography gear page to see what else is in our bag.

Pin the image below to save for later!

Norway road trip photos ©thewholeworldisaplaygroundPin

If you love adventures remember to follow on Facebook and Twitter. If you found the post useful please do share!

49 thoughts on “39 Photos from an epic Norway Road Trip!”

    • Thanks Daniel!

      We found the driving fine and the roads good. We didn’t pre book our accommodation but we were there outside of peak season – one thing we did find was the offices on the campsites closed quite early so we ended up pitching our tent and settling up the next morning instead. One night we really wanted a cabin as it was raining hard but we had to camp in the end as the office was closed!


  1. These are great photos! The snow road image reminds me of driving up Trail Ridge Road in Colorado. It’s closed in the winter due to the snow but in the spring when it’s reopened you may find yourself driving through something similar.

  2. Gorgeous pictures!
    Always thought Norway would be beautiful and a great place to travel to.
    What was your favorite place there? (Yes, sorry I know that’s a difficult question!)

    • Thanks Elisabeth!

      Everything was so pretty it’s hard to choose! I really loved the the hikes to Pulpit Rock and Kjerag, Røros and the fjords! Standing in the Arctic Circle was an awesome experience as well! It was all fab but I definitely preferred being outside of the cities!


  3. I live in Italy and I was in Norway in 1991; I was in Oslo, Bergen and Cap Nord. I still remember the enormous stature of the inhabitants of Bergen.
    Nice post and beautiful pictures.


    • Ami-Diego,

      Vigeland Park is filled with wonderful sculpture depicting all phases of life from babies to old folks. This father is playing with his babies! They are all over him! All the sculptures are nude, to reduce us to our common denominator of humanity.


      • What an amazing park Nanette, we were so surprised to find it in Oslo! Thanks for the explanation on the sculptures, they are so unique and interesting!


  4. We’re really amazed by these photos! Norway has so much to offer, and you can find such incredible nature and cities with a wonderful location. We’re talking about driving through Norway as well, and your photos have really inspired us where to go!

  5. Lovely photos, though I hate to break it to you – You missed out on the prettiest spots, such as the Lofoten islands and vesterålen, the aurora in winter, the midnight sun (unless that was the “after”), the Lyngen alps, and the waiting for Rudolph & Co and Sean the Sheep to get out of the way.

    • Thanks ScribblewithLiner! We can’t wait to go back to see what we missed. The Lofoten Islands is top of the list, unfortunately we lost days due to snow road closures and it was too far to drive in the two weeks we had. Can’t wait to see the Aurora!

    • Thanks Abhinav, happy you liked the pics! We were in Norway for a little over a week – we did a serious amount of driving to get all the sights in!


  6. Amazing photos, straight onto my pinterest board! How cool are the snow roads? Bet it was interesting driving through those.

    • Cheers Aaron! The snow roads were awesome! It was much easier to drive on them at night as the headlights were visible if a car was coming – during the day was much more difficult!


  7. …. I SO love Norway… any picture of any view in Norway gives me goosebumps and makes me a bit homesick! great pics of many places I’ve already visited… 14 times of Norway is not enought… I will go there again!

  8. Oh wow, those pictures are stunning! My husband and I did a road trip through Norway and Sweden for our honeymoon and the picture of the cabins you took, look very familiar. Was that by any chance close to Jostedalsbreen, the largest glacier in Norway? We got stuck there by chance and it was one of our favorite moments when we hiked up the fjord to the glacier.

    Thanks for sharing and bringing back some beautiful memories 🙂

    • Thanks Maria! It was a lot of fun taking all though photos! The lake/glacier is indeed in Jostedalsbreen National Park, its called Nigardsbreen Glacier. It was one of our favourite days in Norway. The weather was terrible when we arrived (sheeting rain), but alf way through the hike the sun came out for about an hour and it was one of the most beautiful views we’d ever seen! Glad you liked the pics!

  9. Wow! Coming from someone who lives in this country you have really managed to capture the soul of Norway. Your photos are stunning! I almost felt a bit proud of being Norwegian after reading this blog 😛

    • Thanks so much Renate, it is so amazing to read your comment! Norway was absolutely incredible from start to finish, we’re hoping to come back soon and check out some of the spots we missed 🙂

  10. These are stunning! I’m planning our trip for next year but can’t decide on when – I’m thinking August/September, but I’ve read that the weather in northern Norway can get bit dodgey. How did you find it? I’m working on being in the country 3-4 weeks so am hoping to cover a fair bit of the country. Thanks for the inspiration!

    • Thanks Cindy, glad the pics are giving inspiration. We travelled at the start of June and I think I would prefer later in the summer with a better chance of good weather. It was still manageable but we needed our cold gear for most of the trip. We also came across one road which was still closed from winter and we had to do a bit of a detour as a result. The weather up North was fine for us, definitely cold but no rain or snow.

      Enjoy your trip!

  11. You missed out on Jæren. The low sky meeting the sea. The beaches. Setesdal with its old wooden houses and vally. Where is stav kirkene? The viking churches? The old Stavanger. Much more to see????

  12. Hi these photos are amazing! I am planning to do a 10-day trip in Norway this coming May as well. Is there a possibility that you can share with me your itinerary?

    • Hi Chuck, sure we can put something together. We’re travelling at moment but will be back early April and will shoot you an email then!


  13. Wow,these photos are absolutely stunning! Norway has been on my mind a lot lately for a future trip and this post definitely convinced me. I hadn’t thought of road tripping around Norway, but I love the idea! Have you written any other posts about your trip? I would love to get an idea of your itinerary and other tips for driving around Norway 🙂

  14. I love Norway and these photos convey everything about Norway that stirs my soul. Places i have been to and places unknown. Have you been to the loo tens yet I would love to see that as your camera portrays
    and svalbard but there I would need sound the sound of the birds -eerie sounds.

  15. You have a superb overview on Norway.. I have been looking the internet for a few days, I found everything on your page. Thanks for putting this together.
    One quick check what hikes would you or would you not recommend to do with a 2 year old?
    We are planning a 18 days trip during Easter 2019 (mid April to first week of May).

    • Thanks for the comments!

      I would maybe skip the tougher hikes like Kjerag and Trolltunga – our little guy has only turned one so I don’t have any experience of a two year old! Some of the snow roads and hikes had just opened when we travelled at the end of May so, depending on the weather you might need to double check the routes.


  16. Wow, your pictures are amazing and I’ve enjoyed reading your blog for the past two hours. We just booked our flight to Norway for early May to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. After reading your posts we are going to have a few road closures, sigh. I couldn’t find your itinerary, did I miss it? I can’t believe how overwhelming it is trying to plan a road trip when your not sure what roads will be closed. Thank you for sharing your amazing adventures 🙂


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